A Poem on Lost Dream

I am sure this feeling would have come to everyone once in their lifetime that they haven't got something they intended to, they had worked very hard for it, prayed for it, and tried and tested everything they could for that one thing they expected and dreamt of. This poem I wrote when I too had experienced the same and now how I feel it was for something better, better than what I thought. I hope you like it.

A Poem on Lost Dream

All my Day dreamings
And my success cravings

All my wishes and prayers
And the hardwork I could bare

All the divinely blessings
And my parents' investing

All my striving
And the continuous driving

All the meditations and rules
That to me were as fuels

All the motivational stories and songs
To keep my desires strong

All my luck testings
That I kept on experimenting

Had gone in vain
and caused me the deepest pain

The pain that won't vanish
And the inspiration it did banish

If not forever it will stay
But my crucial days would certainly decay

For the pain is very excruciating
To gather the strength of once again expecting

After months of immense sadness
And constant endeavor for happiness

With the help of inner self realization
And the fading feeling of self deprivation

I embraced what I got
As God has something else thought

And when the satisfaction started raising
I couldn't help to stop praising

The current gift in my hand
Had merits as many as dunes of sand

Sometimes we don't get
Something we expected

No doubt what we wanted
Was nothing but perfect

But we don't know
Where our boat of destiny can row

And we reach an island
To find the rarest diamond

Which we couldn't get otherwise
If we had not utilized

Our capacity to its fullest
And rather spent our days, the dullest

Shambhavi Maurya