My Narrative about Self Love has changed

With time, we start discovering new layers of self-love and it happens as we encounter so many changes when we grow older. Acknowledging it and staying close to your core beliefs is what makes the entire journey so interesting.

My Narrative about Self Love has changed

My perception of self-love has undergone a profound transformation. Initially, I viewed self-love as merely indulging in occasional self-care, relishing solitude, and pursuing my purpose with unwavering determination. While these aspects certainly hold merit, I've come to realize that they only scratch the surface of what true self-love entails.

Living independently in Hyderabad for the past 21 months has been instrumental in reshaping my understanding of self-love. Amidst the vibrant tapestry of new experiences and encounters, I've encountered moments of pure joy, days filled with laughter, but also moments of profound struggle and introspection. This journey prompted me to not only adapt to unfamiliar surroundings but also to reevaluate and refine my very essence—a process that often left me questioning my self-worth.

As I grappled with these internal challenges, I began to question whether I truly knew how to love myself as I once did. Observing the diverse array of individuals around me and witnessing their struggles with self-perception provided me with invaluable insights into the true essence of self-love.

I came to understand that self-love transcends mere self-improvement; it's about embracing imperfection, striving very hard towards your passions and the ability to improve upon your shortcomings without harbouring self-loathing. It's about making choices that nourish both body and mind, even when they demand a departure from comfort or familiarity.

It gives you the utmost clarity of what exactly you want from your life and not shake your inner beliefs by comparing yourself with others. It tells you the truth about yourself just like the mirror, with no filters and shades. That way of seeing your position with so much clarity and assessing your current path and then opting for choices that would lead you to where you want without having to change your decisions based on other people's journey is what self-love is, and not where you are constantly trying to take the road that other people have taken. 

Moreover, self-love serves as a protective shield against the arrows of external judgment and criticism. It empowers one to navigate life's unexpected twists with resilience and grace, knowing that worthiness is inherent and unaffected by external validation.

Self-love is a journey of continual growth and learning, marked by compassion and acceptance of oneself, with its flaws and all shortcomings. It's about honoring one's past while embracing the potential for transformation and evolution. Trusting in the journey, even in the face of doubt, is an integral aspect of self-love.

In essence, self-love is not merely a destination to be reached but a daily practice of self-awareness, kindness, and acceptance. It's about cultivating a deep-rooted love and respect for oneself that transcends circumstance and empowers one to live authentically and unapologetically.

It takes time, sensibility and maturity to cultivate this, but when you reach that stage it's very beautiful to lead your life with that mindset. I haven't reached that stage yet, but I can understand how it would feel to be there. 
