Once I complaint to God

Once I complaint to God

When I was going through a phase in my life, which can be called a transformation from teenage to adulthood, also known as young adulthood, I found myself to be very observant of different personality types and very intrigued by the dissimilarities between the two genders that exist.

I used to find myself to have a very balanced gender-neutral energy while growing up, but when I was in this stage I found my feminine side emerging and how beautiful this is. I started feeling proud of being a girl, the way God has designed us, and the way we feel about various things.

The way girls find beauty in various things contributes to making something aesthetically pleasing. I just love how they cherish things and take care of them. It's great how men claim they have built buildings, but to make it a home it takes a woman. That’s what I started realizing very deeply this time.

I also found myself getting very nurturing to things and the people around me. I gained a lot of empathetic qualities around this time too, and I could comfort someone who is hurt, by totally being able to understand their side of the situation but at the same time being raised by my practical and logical dad, I always had a very practical approach to the problems.

Once something really beautiful came into my life, I found myself completely drawn to it and got immensely emotionally attached to it. I would take care of it and understand every aspect of it as if the word intuition made sense scientifically. Let me metaphorically call it a plant. I would water that plant daily, expecting it to flower and be admired by everyone. Then started coming some storms, and it got uprooted.

I was shattered, I was sure that it happened for the good only that weak plants with no future secured as the roots are so weak to be uprooted so easily by a storm, won't be able to give you the peace of mind it required.

I felt good when that was uprooted because now when I look back, I also see the days when I had to sacrifice my own peace and time to take care of such a sensitive plant. However, when things do end, it always hurts. I found myself crying a lot, losing my sleep, and feeling terrible pain as well.

I shared this with my friends, guys, and girls. When I would get some of their opinions from them, I would realize how different guys and girls are.

I started hating the very aspect of being a girl, who is getting so emotional and crying so much at odd places, odd timings, and odd situations.

And I used to think I am not a very emotional person, but that something so beautiful that at that point was and the moments I would spend taking care of it, so that it stays the same way, and seeing it dead in front of me was so heartbreaking.

That was the day, I started complaining to god about why god made girls this emotional and why they have to look for ways to be stronger. He should have made us stronger only because what hurts more is seeing the male counterparts having such great emotional control over themselves.

But then I realized, my observation skills lacked something. Which was the lack of knowledge of how male counterparts express their grief in every situation.

They feel the same emotions we do, we are just made this way because our higher self or God, whatever you may call it had some other expectations from women. He made women stronger to nurture kids and families, keep them together, and if not for these emotions, the world would have been so bland.  

Also, the emotional quotient girls hold is better, they are able to heal better and quickly and bounce back higher because they have dealt with their emotions well. And luckily it is true for any human being, with a higher emotional quotient to have these qualities. 

Today I would take my complaint back from God, and thank him for making us such beautiful creatures on earth.

He blessed the planet by making women.